Elisa Lily Romero

Healing and Empowerment Coach


Helping you let go of the past, to build a confident future and connect more deeply with yourself in the present


Beginner Guide To Become Secure And Confident

If you are curious about self development and achieving more for your life but have no idea where to start, check out my free guide where you’ll learn how to build self confidence and attract abundance

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Work With Me


The Conscious Process
(Entry level Program)

The Mentor
(Private session 1:1)


is a 8 week coaching journey designed to help you clear the unconscious beliefs, patterns and deeply engrained programs that are holding you back from consciously creating the life you want.
(Entry level Program)

The Mentor Coaching is a 3 month 1:1 coaching follow up the Conscious Process method that supports your new beliefs, visions and offers you accountability and integrity in your new journey to consciously creating the life you want.


Need a Boost in your vision?

Get a 1h15 Private session now!

Online (via Zoom)
To unlock and transform your situation !


Hey Lovely Souls! It is good to have you here, I am Elisa Lily Romero, your go-to empowerment and relationship coach. I'm here for anyone navigating self-esteem struggles and wanting to foster healthier connections.

My coaching style is all about transformation. Together, we'll explore what might be holding you back and work towards a more conscious mindset. With over a decade in the personal development space, I've helped over thousands of individual to feel secure and free themself from their insecurities and shatter of the mind.

I am a certified transformative life coach with a holistic background, having trained in India as a RYT yoga instructor, Reiki healer, and sound medicine therapist; Despite some tough times in my past, I've learned, grown, and emerged as a coach who values integrity and healing.

Let me support you to get back home and heal from the past, remembering how powerful you are. My heart is all in when it comes to supporting my clients. My calling is “People Remember” and that’s what I desire for all individuals. To reconnect with their power and essence, bringing safety, freedom, and clarity back to their hearts.




  • No matter where you are in your personal journey, whether you're just starting out or looking to take your life to the next level, My programs and structure are designed to support your development journey and to produce breakthroughs for your life.

    By choosing to commit and invest in yourself, and being open to viewing things from a different perspective, you can gain the tools and knowledge necessary to transform your life. If you're ready to take this journey and unlock your full potential, If you desire to get new outcomes for your life, then you are in the right place !

  • While my messaging and focus are primarily geared towards women, I also work with men who share the desire to develop inner clarity, deep self-awareness, and overcome limiting beliefs.

    It's important to understand that you are inherently valuable and deserving of a life free from the patterns and wounds that may be causing dysfunction in your life.

  • “The Conscious Process” is my 8 weeks signature accelerator program it is incredibly effective and is designed to help you make progress and experience a transformation for your life when completing the program! This journey is designed to understanding the patterns and Mind programming that are holding you back from experiencing confidence within yourself and with others.

  • The clarity 1:1 session offers a powerful guidance and gives you a step by step plan after only 1 session and is wallet friendly ! (You ll find the direct link on the home page)

    Also the Mentor 1:1 Program offers a variety of plans from a single session to a 10 sessions plans.

    My coaching programs are a conscious investment in yourself, it's worth it when you're committed to making significant changes in your life, business, or relationships!

  • Yes! The Mentor Program offers a variety of plans from a single session to a 10 sessions plans on a 1:1 set

  • My coaching sessions and online programs are accessible via virtual Zoom meetings and WhatsApp messaging support, so you don't need to be in the same country as I am, to work with me. I work worldwide with my clients.

Have a question before joining a program ? Ask your question here :


Disclaimer: The client is aware that the coaching relationship is not therapy. My coaching does not replace professional services such as legal, medical, or psychological advice. The client agrees that he/she is entering into coaching with the understanding that the client is responsible for his/her own decisions and results.. The information I give is an opinion and although it is based on sound psychological principles, none of these opinions should be construed as professional therapeutic advice. The client agrees to hold the coach free from all liability for any actions or results for adverse situation created as a direct or indirect result of information given by the coach.

Session Contact Procedure: The client shall contact the coach at the agreed hour. If the client fails to make the appointment time, the client is still responsible for the coaching fee, unless 24 hour notice was given to reschedule the call. No shows will be rescheduled but not refunded. The coach will make every effort to reschedule the client.


Clients Feedback


“The self love course exceeded my expectations, delivering powerful and transformative insights! It felt like having long conversations with Lily about each topic of my life ! An Experience that I highly recommend to anyone looking to move forward in life!” - Julia P.


A Full

Freebies Ressources Space To Support you to Come Back Home to Yourself

If you are curious about self development and achieving more for your life but have no idea where to start - You are in the right place!



An Entire Channel Dedicated to your Personal Growth with Guest Speakers and guided meditations


Beginner Guide To Become Secure And Confident

If you are curious about self development and achieving more for your life but have no idea where to start, check out my free guide where you’ll learn how to build self confidence and attract abundance

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How to Deal With Our Fears?




In this life, we aim toward an alignment with our personal virtues through a process of relearning and re-shaping our own reality. While we discover our lessons, heal our wounds and dissolve each pattern to reach our inner freedom, We create our lifestyle, our habits and the way we present ourself to others. We deeply believe that self awareness is necessary to level up in the life that we desire for ourselves. It is about moving ourselves away from our own way to allow us to use our own potential.